Finally, a Poly Shutter that You Can Build Here
and Beat the Low Cost Chinese Imports
Tired of being undercut by cheap interior shutters imported from China? Looking for a new high-quality window covering product to fabricate in your facility that will make money right away? Take a look at the profitable business opportunity of AllView, the poly shutter designed to allow you to successfully compete against the Chinese shutter imports.
Put Your Fabrication Facility Back on the Growth and Profit Track
AllView is a poly shutter that is ideal for every US window covering fabricator. Whether you're selling at wholesale or retail, and whether you're building wood shutters or not, with the AllView Poly Shutter you can start making money in the huge shutter category. In fact, AllView gives you a 2-month return on your fabrication investment.
How is this possible? It's simple. AllView has designed a system that takes all the costs out of building interior shutters. Click here to see a 2-minute video showing how quick and easy it is to fabricate AllView Poly Shutters. To learn all the details of AllView's fabrication system, just give us a call at 800-737-4569 to request a full information kit.
Make it Possible for Your Customers to Enjoy the Elegance of Shutters
AllView Poly Shutters are the elegant and low maintenance shutter solution for today's value-driven consumer. Designed to capture the look and feel of wood shutters without the associated price tag or hassles, AllView gives you new features and new ways to save your customers big money.
With AllView you can:
•Beat the Imports on Price - As an AllView fabricator you can have the lowest finished shutter cost. Plus, AllView's innovative shutter track system eliminates the $150 slider surcharge and cuts slider installation time, allowing you to save consumers even more.
•Beat the Imports on Delivery - AllView Poly Shutters are custom-made in just 5 days, so your customers will avoid waiting 6 to 8 weeks for shutters to arrive on the slow boat from China. Take an order this week, build and install next week and start enjoying your next referral sale right after that!
•Beat the Imports on Quality - As the fabricator you will be in full control of your production, your lead time and the quality of your product, allowing you to service your customers better than competitors.
•Increase Your Profits - By fabricating AllView you'll make 50% more than if you had purchased finished shutters at the most competitive imported wholesale prices.
•Go "Green" - AllView is a "green" product made from poly resin that is paint-free, formaldehyde-free, VOC-free, recyclable and renewable. All else being equal, consumers prefer eco-friendly products.
Become an Authorized AllView Fabricator
To learn more about becoming an authorized AllView fabricator, give us a call at 800-737-4569 to request your free Fabrication Pro Forma.